Últimamente este blog está dedicado a presentar citas de los libros que leo, si ha estado desierto por un rato es porque he leído poco. Releer el archivo de mi blog es volver tras los pasos del gaviero, la tristeza de Alejandra, las lecciones de Gombrich y varios fragmentos. Si este post está pesado de citas, disculpen, es que me estoy desatrasando (desatrasándolos) de viajes y lecturas. Tanto el último libro que leí (This Book is Broken de Stuart Berman) y el que estoy leyendo ahora (Borges de Adolfo Bioy Casares) han cambiado la forma en que veo a algunos de mis héroes, los ha hecho humanos. Ambos son libros llenos de historias nimias, llenas de carisma, de eventos de la vida diaria, de humanidad, de cercanía.
On the subject guitar playing
I identified myself as a guitar player, but I wasn't a good guitar player by their standards. At one jam, Kevin came up behind me and grabbed my arms and pretended I was a puppet, saying, “I'm not gonna bring my guitar tomorrow!” And I thought, “Okay, that's his way of telling me I'm not up to snuff.” So my opinion changed on what my role was going to be in this band. I realized that, since I wasn't going to play guitar anymore, I was going to sing a couple of songs every now and then. I guess it changed my level of security/commitment. I was trying to get the chance to play the guitar next to Charles Spearin, who was blowing my mind, and Priddle was there, and we were making this beautiful noise sculptures. So to be told, “No, you're not going to play guitar anymore,” was like saying, “You're not invited to trick-or-treat with us.” But there are no hard feelings . . . and Kevin hates that I remember this story.
Leslie Feist en This Book is Broken
On the subject of Broken Social Scene
Broken Social Scene will be a band even when we're old and gray, even if it's just a potluck, because it was never something that needed to be defined.
Leslie Feist en This Book is Broken
Every interview I've ever fucking done has asked, “Is Broken Social Scene breaking up?” But you can't break something that's already broken! It's broken, it's permanently broken. The only way you could destroy it would be to actually fix it!
Emily Haines en This Book is Broken
Acerca de Borges y las mujeresMarzo: Estela quería que Borges se acostara con ella. Una tarde, en la calle, se lo dijo brutalmente: “Nuestras relaciones no pueden seguir así. O nos acostamos o no vuelvo a verte”. Borges se mostró muy emocionado, exclamó: “Cómo ¿entonces no me tenés asco?” y le pidió permiso para abrazarla. Llamó un taxi. Ordenó al chofer: “A Constitución” y agregó, para Estela “Vamos a comer a Constitución. We must celebrate”.
Borges estaba muy enamorado de Silvina Bullrich. Un día, ésta le preguntó: “¿Qué hiciste anoche, cuando volviste del Tigre?”. Borges: “Fui caminando a casa, pero pasé frente a la tuya; tenía que pasar frente a tu casa esa noche”. Silvina le preguntó a qué hora había pasado. Borges: “A las doce”. Silvina: “A esa hora yo estaba en mi cuarto, en mi cama, con un amante”.
Adolfo Bioy Casares en Borges